Useful Links?

Other information & useful links:

local authority DSPL documents

Hertfordshire County Council Website

Hertfordshire SEND Local Offer

Post 16
For information on education and support for young people over 16 with SEND, including information on personal budgets, click on the Hertfordshire SEND Local Offer above and type “Post 16” in the search bar.

Activities for post 16 young people with SEND

information about the Inclusion Project

information about Sunnyside Rural Trust

information about Electric Umbrella

information about Dacorum Mencap and ROAR

Mencap SNAP Saturday Clubs and Holiday Schemes

information about Dacorum day service (Hemel)

For Professionals and Families

About the Service

Hertfordshire’s Family Centre Service brings children’s centres, health visiting and school nursing together to provide a more joined up service for children, young people and their families from pregnancy through to when a child reaches 19.

There is a range of different support groups, activities and services on offer for children and their families to help them be healthy, grow and develop. Families are able to access available services from any Hertfordshire Family Centre, allowing families to fit sessions and services around busy family lives.

To help explain the Hertfordshire Family Centre Service we have developed the following animation in partnership with all organisations commissioned by Hertfordshire County Council to run the service. Partners include InspireAll, Barnardos, OneYMCA and Hertfordshire Community Trust

To access the service we ask that families register with us. It’s free and easy to do online – the link is

For more detailed information about the service please see our website, or ring the service on 0300 123 7572.

For Professionals

Making a Referral to the Family Centre

If you would like to refer a family to our service you can do this through our Professional Portal. The link for this is as follows