Resources and support for professionals

The DSPL Newsletter is sent to professionals fortnightly with details of the latest courses and resources.

DSPL8 Professionals Newsletter

Woodfield Outreach Professionals Training Offer 2023-24

Dacorum Tiered Approach To Transitions

Descriptors of Need and Provision for Mainstream and Specialist Provisions

Early Years SEND Team Local Area Team PVI MNS – StAD

Hertfordshire Children and Young People’s Mental Health System Service Directory

DSPL8 Professionals Training Offer 2023-24

Hertfordshire Family Centre Service Support Leaflet for Professionals

HCC Statutory SEND Communication Policy

Early Years SEND Team Local Area Team Schools – StAD

NHSE alert and guidance

Strategic Lead for mental health in schools (was CAMHS School Link Manager). Offers Mental Health First Aid training, Level 2 Mental Health Leads training and Kitemark accreditation. To register as a Mental Health Lead or sign up for a course Contact email:

To access the “Whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing” information and self-review tool plus General Mental Health information such as Wellbeing Signposting Guide for Young People,  A parents survival guide, anxiety and self harm toolkit, 5 Ways to Wellbeing, stress bucket, tips for parents, when to worry tool and lots of other useful information;  log onto  the School section of
Any login problems, email

Hertfordshire Steps. Hertfordshire Local Authority recommended training for  managing behaviour Contact

Counselling for staff – via employee assistance programmes e.g. Schools Advisory Service (SAS)

Anna Freud Centre “10 Steps towards school staff wellbeing” survey and “Supporting staff wellbeing in schools” booklet. 

Protective behaviours. Training for professionals and parents. Contact Fiona Benjamin on

My teen brain – One day multi agency training for professionals.