Support for Attendance

Assessment Tools
Complete School Stress Survey with Young person |
Review and update pupil profile
Review / undertake sensory profile for young person | Hertfordshire Steps – anxiety mapping, roots and fruits and risk management plan |
Ideal school tool used with CYP
Reintegrating plan and support | Drawing and talking work | Reuse progression framework to identify areas of strength and weaknesses. Support lesson planning and goals. | Social Stories about school timetable, changes and routine | Autistic Burnout and Energy Accounting |
Timetable changes – Early starts, separate lunch, time in other classes – this can be used where observations and assessments have indicated building challenges from school day | Identify liked adults encourage contact and relationship | Key young person, adult mentor / peer mentor or buddy allocated |
Timetabled time and / or open access to safe space in school or safe room to relax and talk.
Timetabled liked or relaxing activity. |
Communication plan between family, school and CYP – who what and when |
Meet and Greet each morning – Who will do this and where – is there an agreed phrase – is this a check in with the young person or just a welcome. | Observing lessons to identify stresses and issues | Identify and build upon areas of strengths and interest for CYP | Screen for speech and language difficulties | Whole school assemblies about autism |
If approved non-attendance preferred subject work sent home | Connections between CYP and class / school – letters home, involvement in out of school, after school activity. |
Playground plan Using ideal school tool explore how unstructured time on playground could be improved or supported. |
Teaching and talking about physiology of anxiety and coping strategies | Sensory Needs Reviewed |
Early support external services
Pupil support worker | School Nursing | Step 2 | DESC consultation | SEND School Family Worker |
Services for young people 13+ in our local area – emotional support groups and groups for young people out of formal education. | Speech, Language, Communication and Autism Teachers | Children’s well being practitioners | SPACE and Potential Kids offer local activities for young people with autism. Extended child’s activites with others. | PALMS |