Social, emotional and mental health
Mental Health for Head Teachers
Dacorum DSPL’s Mental Health Group has developed a series of leaflets with links to free resources on supporting children and young people’s emotional wellbeing. Leaflets for parents, carers and young people can be found here. A leaflet for teachers showing resources that can be used to support children and young people in your school can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Dacorum Primary Behaviour Support Service
Dacorum now has a one-stop shop for support for primary school pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs. For support ranging from training and advice up to more intense, individual interventions, please contact Emma McKenna, Assistant Head at DESC, on
Hertfordshire Steps
Hertfordshire Steps is a positive approach to behaviour management which is grounded on sound evidence-based practice. It offers consistency across all education phases and settings and is the preferred approach of the local authority. The majority of schools in the Dacorum, Tring and Berkhamsted areas follow the Hertfordshire Steps model. Schools provide their own in-house trainer, and ensure that school staff training is kept up to date, and train new staff as they join.
Each school has a behaviour management policy, available on the schools own website.
For ‘train the trainer’ dates and to book your place, please contact Adam Hayes, Hertfordshire Steps County Co-ordinator, on